Learn what a database engine is, what are the advantages of the InnoDB engine and why it is gaining a lot of global popularity.
InnoDB is a very popular database engine for the MySQL relational database management system. It’s an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has many advantages that have made it the engine of choice for lots of PHP-based applications, among them Joomla™ and Magento, which have switched to InnoDB for good. For instance, importing enormous volumes of data will be faster with InnoDB, since it locks only one database row to accomplish a certain task, not the entire database table, which makes the engine ideal for scalable applications. It also supports foreign keys and database transactions – these refer to the way in which the info is treated. Simply put, importing new or modifying existent data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be aborted and the operation will be rolled back if some issue shows up during the process, thus the content that remains in the database won’t be lost.
InnoDB in Shared Hosting
You can use any script-based application that needs InnoDB in case you have a
Linux shared hosting service with us, as the MySQL database engine is present on our advanced cloud website hosting platform by default. Throughout the app activation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup will continue flawlessly if this engine is required. You can run apps that use the MyISAM engine without encountering any impediment as well and, again, the engine will be selected automatically, so you will not need to change anything manually at any point. Furthermore, we will also perform daily backups of all the MySQL databases that you’ve got in the shared hosting account, so if you erase or overwrite something, we can quickly get it back to the way it was on any of the past seven days.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers
InnoDB is available with each of our
semi-dedicated service by default, so once you create a new semi-dedicated account, you can go on and install any open-source script-based software application that requires this MySQL database storage engine. A few engines are pre-installed on our cloud web hosting platform, so when you create a brand-new MySQL database and begin installing an application manually, or decide to use the Hepsia hosting Control Panel-integrated app installer, the engine for the database will be set in accordance with the prerequisites of the respective app. This will allow you to install and manage InnoDB-specific apps without having to deal with any problem and without needing to configure any settings in your semi-dedicated account. To be on the safe side, we will always have a one-week-old backup of all your databases, so if you erase or alter any content unintentionally, we can quickly recover it.
InnoDB in VPS Servers
If you buy a
VPS server from our company, you’ll be able to use our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel to manage your web content. A Hepsia-equipped VPS will permit you to run any PHP script-driven app which needs InnoDB, as the MySQL storage engine is part of the default software package that will be pre-installed on your server during its configuration. When you create a new database via the Control Panel, you’ll just need to begin installing an application – manually or using our application installer. InnoDB will be set as the default engine on the condition that the app in question needs it, so you will not have to do anything else in your VPS account. Likewise, if a given app needs MyISAM, it will be automatically set as the default engine for this specific MySQL database.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
When you acquire a new
dedicated server, you’ll be able to pick one of the three Control Panels that we offer – cPanel, Hepsia and DirectAdmin. Each server ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with InnoDB pre-activated, so you will not need to install this MySQL database storage engine manually to be able to use PHP script-powered applications that require it. InnoDB is used by scalable applications and since a dedicated server will give you all the system resources that you require to manage large-size websites, it’s very likely that you’ll use InnoDB. You will be able to use other engines as well, so if a certain app requires MyISAM rather than InnoDB, you will not experience any impediment while managing it. The engine that will be used will be automatically recognized as soon as the app installation commences, so you won’t need to configure any setting manually at any point.